Project Manager and Freelancer at Gulaverse
"I had been an executive manager, who went on maternity leave couple of years ago. Despite the fact, that I have really enjoyed the role of mother, my current position and work habits contradict with the ‘occupation of a parent’ and responsibilities it brings. As the result, I’ve felt the inner tense and conflict, which I wanted to sort out.
I’ve met and talked to Peter at the networking event. He has offered me a consultation in terms of addressing my issues and suggested to look at my potential and further development. We started with psychometric testing, which explored my main personality characteristics and work preferences. Then, according to results, Peter gave me a feedback and identified exactly the main areas, which create my feelings of tension and contradiction. This was followed by a coaching session and discussion about my strengths as well as challenges I can face in my work. Finally, Peter helped me to set up a plan how I should overcome my weaknesses, but effectively work with my potential.
I was overwhelmed by Peter’s patience and approach during our cooperation. I thank Peter for his assistance, flexibility and drive to achieve his aim to help me with my concerns. Most importantly, I feel that Peter helped me to better understand myself and accept and appreciate who I am. Now, I recognize what I need to change in order to find a balance between my private life and work, and thus be more efficient and organized. I would recommend Peter as a coach with no hesitation."
Director of Department of Information and Publicity, Government Office of the Slovak Republic
"We were satisfied with your presentation. You've provided us with the expert knowledge and plenty of interesting examples."
Founder and CEO at VAM Consulting
"Peter has delivered a workshop for our clients in a unique way. His interactive approach was based on a simulation of real life examples. This approach was supported by steps, how the theory could be immediately applied in the work settings. In order to have the best possible impact, Peter has used specific and problematic situations that participants often face in their work. Despite the fact, that a majority of participants were senior managers with plenty of experiences, Peter has dealt with tough situations and handled group discussions very well. I believe that such approach is always interesting for all participants, who are willing to attend Peter’s workshops."
Policy Manager at the UK Department of Health and Social Care
"Peter carried out psychometric testing shortly after I was offered a temporary post in a large government department. I undertook psychological tests to assess my personality in order to gain more insight into how I behave at work, my leadership skills, and how successful I can be.
While the results confirmed my strengths, they also highlighted my weaknesses. Knowing my weaknesses was the first step in overcoming them. Peter’s report offered suggestions on how to lead people more effectively and how my current leadership techniques could be developed further by creating and following a development plan.
Peter not only provided me with a concise summary of my results, but he also answered any questions I had regarding my development plan and its implementation. I have a high regard for his professional approach, manners and the invaluable tips he shared with me.
Being aware of my weaknesses and by following my development plan, I developed a more assertive approach with my colleagues. I now seek to listen rather than to ignore their views. This new approach has not only been noted by my fellow colleagues, but also by my manager with whom I recently had a mid-year review. During the one-to-one session, we discussed the outcome of the feedback in which my colleagues positively reflected on my enhanced ability to listen, and to communicate in less argumentative and more constructive ways.
I have found the recommendations on how to strengthen my leadership skills and Peter’s interpretation of the test results very useful and this has helped me to achieve the goals which I set out in my development plan. What is more, due to my newly acquired skills, I have been offered a permanent position in the department.
Thank you again Peter for your patience in explaining the report to me, and for your guidance in structuring my personal development plan. I wish you all the best and please continue to help people develop their full potential."
member of ACE
"Peter has delivered soft skills workshops for our client. We have appreciated his professionalism, attitude and independence during our cooperation. All participants were also highly satisfied with Peter’s approach. He has provided them with a plenty of useful examples and practical information, which have helped them in their personal development."
Founder and CEO at Generativ
"As an external lecturer, Peter has delivered a series of seminars for our client and its customer service departments and a call centre. Peter’s knowledge and skills not only broaden our repertoire of seminars that can be offered to our potential clients, but also have helped all participants to understand their personality better. For example, he has used a psychometric testing to find out, what needs to be developed within all groups and according to results and data, has prepared and proposed a new series of seminars for our client. Additionally, all participants have received a feedback session about their strengths and potential. Peter has also suggested steps, which they need to implement in order to offer better customer service."
Financial Analyst at IBM
"I've met Peter during a workshop, where he had provided valuable advices to all participants on how to "sell" their business ideas and their personality at a job interview. Later, he has given me useful hints on how to start my consultant career. I must confirm his work. Moreover, he provided my girlfriend, who was looking for an internship in London, with his contacts, hints on accommodation and transport. In my opinion, Peter is not only a great consultant, but also a kind and helpful person and I am thankful for having met him."
Founder and CEO at S&J Mont
“I have fulfilled my dreams, and thus I can support my family.”
"Starting to sell a brand-new product in a crowded marketplace with competing technologies is never easy. I set up my company with the idea to install underfloor heating in the form of an infrared technology known as “Heat-flow” three years ago. Customers, however, knew nothing about this product. Additionally, in an attempt to sell new products, some companies misled their clients, which resulted in customers’ disbelief and dissatisfaction. I wanted to change the negative assumptions and perceptions that were deeply ingrained in my potential clients.
Therefore, I needed to explain to my potential clients how modern heating technology works, highlight the reasons for its effectiveness, and persuade them to sign a contract. I approached Peter because I knew that he had had a wide range of innovatory ideas on how to enter the market, structure the presentation for a specific product, and develop techniques for closing the deal.
Peter structured my coaching sessions into two main areas; the understandaning the needs of the customer and development my skills as sales manager. We started with learning more about customers’ needs and behaviour. Then, we worked together to improve my presentation and listening skills. This was followed by sessions on how to attract potential buyers and further, on how to conduct business meetings with them. We talked about how and when to use the most convincing arguments during my presentation and further, how to best close a deal with my clients. Finally, I was educated about motivation in business. In other words, Peter taught me how to overcome the negative feelings caused by initial failure, and how a positive attitude (i.e. Yes, I can!) can help me thrive and achieve my goals.
For the last three years, I have been able not only to build a business that is profitable, but one that employees dozens of people. I can say confidently that thanks to Peter, my company S&J Mont s.r.o., has helped hundreds of people around the world. And the best part of it is that my dreams have come true and I am able to support my family."
Founder and CEO at GKNG
"There was plenty of useful information during a workshop, which I could immediately use in the real life and work settings. For example, how to talk about a price I charge for my services, what is the main difference between selling products and delivering values, and where and how I should look for the considerable advantages between me and my competitors.
Additionally, I really liked the Peter’s argumentative approach and even negative feedback that he was willing to give, which was far from harsh. To be honest with you, this was the only workshop I have attended so far that was tailored and prepared according to the needs of participants. I appreciate this fact a lot, but still, I would welcome more exercises during next workshops. Last, but not least, I was also surprised by Peter’s follow up actions regarding my application of knowledge gained during the workshop.
It is obvious that Peter’s got a plenty of experience in sales, but what is more important for me is that he was himself during our workshop."
Founder and CEO at BIG FOOD EUROPE
Peter was engaged in numerous tasks, each of them requiring full dedication, in-depth knowledge of business interventions, and excellent communication and analytical skills. He also provided excellent support at meetings with Big Food Europe’s (BFE) senior management and sales representatives.
Peter compiled a self-appraisal form for the CEO and sales director Mr. Jarek Turon, adapted to the specific needs of BFE. This form gave Mr. Turon an opportunity to be self-reflective over his achievements over the past year, which he then discussed with Peter in order to make plans for the year ahead.
Peter also compiled a questionnaire, which was given BFE management in order to provide feedback to Mr. Turon. Another part of the questionnaire was given directly to BFE customers to provide sales managers with feedback on their communication and customer skills. Peter analysed all the responses and significant and valuable suggestions were given to Mr. Turon. Key challenges were idetified and proposed on what the company should focus on.
Peter regularly contacted the sales department at Big Food Europe by phone and email to check on the progress of newly implemented ideas, suggestions and strategies. At the end of the assignment, Peter prepared web-based questionnaires in order to help evaluate how the changes had been implemented. Additionally, he created reports about working relationships, tasks and self-management, indicating what still needed to be improved.
Peter demonstrated exemplary skills and dedication. He contributed to the work of the sales department at BFE and the implementation of his numerous tasks and the quality of his work was equally outstanding on all occasions. He has excellent interpersonal skills, self-discipline and the ability to cope with time constraints and other issues that arise in stressful situations. We strongly and sincerely recommend his services as our co-operation tremendously contributed to the work of our sales and marketing department in the head office in London."
Manager at Kempinski Hotels
"A few months ago, I was offered a managerial position within my company. As the new position would include more responsibilities, Peter offered me coaching in two areas of leadership development: skills development and performance evaluation.
We started with training in active listening and communication skills. This included enhancing my communication and presentation skills, as well as developing my interpersonal skills further. Then, Peter gave me assignments to improve my delegation skills. Finally, we worked on creative problem solving skills. This consisted of testing, which was designed to help me enhance my abstract thinking abilities.
The second area of the coaching session consisted of learning to give feedback to subordinates and manage the performance appraisal process. This included rethinking performance evaluation, enhancing employees’ direct observation skills, and training in individual behavioural assessments (i.e. how to provide constructive feedback to colleagues).
As I improved my leadership skills and enhanced my communication skills, I gained more recognition from colleagues. For example, by having improving my delegation skills, I am able to optimise the use of the individual employee’s skills and talents. I have also been able to support them in their own professional development and thus enhance the quality of our services overall."
Actor, Singer, Etrepreneur,CEO at Moonlight Camp
"Peter and I were colleagues for more than three years in companies which specialized in direct marketing and the coaching of sales representatives and managers.
I consider loyalty, resilience and determination to be Peter’s most positive assets. For that reason, I chose Peter to be part of my team when we had the opportunity to establish company’s offices in Poland. From the very start, Peter’s performance was considered as exceptional by the senior management of the company. Within a short period of time he began to achieve outstanding results, especially in the area of leading sales seminars, and coaching and development of new employees. Peter’s work helped us achieve our monthly targets and improve the profitability of the company. Additionally, he contributed to the successful expansion of the company abroad, helping us gaining competitive market share.
As a direct result of Peter’s commitment, when I founded a new company, I asked him to be part of the management team. I collaborated with Peter on strategic business planning and his unique approach to strategic thinking and decision making was implemented during company’s meetings. This resulted in the creation of a pragmatic strategy to improve public awareness and increased our reputation amongst prospective clients."
Business Development and Sales Manager at Lyoness
"I met Peter whilst working for a company that focused on advertising, marketing and sales. His main responsibility was to lead seminars and workshops, and to coach new and existing sales representatives. I was overwhelmed by Peter’s extensive knowledge of sales, negotiating and deal-closing techniques. Peter's seminars helped me to increase my productivity, and accelerate and standardise my sale’s process. He was a great speaker and coach who helped me to develop my communication and interpersonal skills. I was taught me how to facilitate discussion and negotiate with people, be more assertive, listen actively, and how to ask ‘yes’ questions. As a result, I considerably increased my sales ratio, and improved my customer service and leadership skills."
Sales and Business Development Manager, Profi Credit
"I was given an important assignment to develop and launch a new product for a leading provider of credit and financial services. The company wanted to introduce a loan targeted at the self-employed and companies, and my main challenge was to persuade all of the board members to go ahead with the product development. I approached Peter to help me with the preparation of a presentation for the meeting with the board of directors.
Peter proposed that I should present my proposal structured around the idea of low risk/high reward for the company. As a result of this, two main arguments were identified: the introduction of a new loan that is in line with the overall strategy of my company and therefore results in minimum risk; and that the new product responds to a gap in the market and is designed around customers’ needs. These arguments won the support of the board of directors, thus opening the way for the launch of the product.
After successfully launching loans for the self-employed and companies, my company increased its profit margin and market share, improved competitiveness, and had diverse customer bases to help offset domestic economic fluctuation."
Executive Manager, A.F.P.
"I have known Peter for a long time. He has always been very creative, systematic and hard-working. In addition, Peter is a great team player, and he always has a positive attitude.
More recently, I have had the pleasure of cooperating with him on a leadership development programme in our company. By applying the programme, the management of my company has considerably improved delegation and communication skills. These skills are vital for the improvement of working conditions within our company. I was delighted not only with the final results, but with Peter’s overall approach, particularly his prompt and effective way of tackling challenges during the assignment.
Moreover, I have discovered that Peter has extensive knowledge and experience of real business problems, which I, as an owner of the company, face every day. As we encountered these issues, Peter immediately deployed interventions to find the best solutions for us. I would be more than happy to cooperate with him again and I can only recommend Peter not only to my friends and business partners, but to everybody who needs assistance in dealing with individual or organisational problems.
Peter is able to deliver excellent work from a first concept to the final output! There are no better words to describe Peter."
Project Manager at Great Place to Work Institute
"Peter has a certain way of bringing enthusiasm to a group and injecting it with morale and optimism, and he’s always looking for new and innovative ways of tackling situations. I am sure that whoever has the pleasure of working with him on a professional level will be blown away by his charm and the creative energy he brings to all of his projects. I feel lucky to know Peter as a colleague and as a friend."
HR Co-ordinator at Reckitt Benckiser
"Peter and I have worked together on a project, and Peter always had interesting ideas that he contributed to the group. He is empathetic and supportive, and knows how to bring people together, which really helped us during our group discussions. He was always on time, worked hard and expected the same professionalism of others in the team.
He is inquisitive by nature and actively took part in the discussions. He has clear ideas that he is able to voice in a concise way, and he always looks at the positive side of things. He has a unique way of perceiving difficult situations and dealing with them."
Project Manager at HayInsight at Hay Group
"Peter thinks outside the box and is clear on his views and methods. His approach is unique and effective, which forces people to think in different ways. He was a great person to work with, and he really helped motivate the team in order to drive projects forward."
Founder and CEO at JMA Psychology
"Peter was a very active, hardworking, diligent, helpful, caring, honest and indispensable colleague. I would recommend Peter to any organisation, as a great communicator and team player. His attitude to work and his genuine interest in other people sets him apart and makes him invaluable."
Learning Support Assistant at Pathways Short Stay School
"Peter is a highly diligent individual with a naturally inquisitive nature and a proactive attitude. He would usually be the first to ask a question during a problem solving, which would allow us to delve deeper into various topics. His passion for Occupational Psychology and his understanding of how to apply these concepts to real-world solutions was highly evident and I am sure this will become evident in any workplace."
Graduate Teaching Assistant at University of East London
"Peter is a highly motivated and committed student and this is demonstrated in his passion for the subject of psychology. He is able to communicate his ideas clearly both orally and through written assessments. He also conducted a novel piece of research for his independent research project which clearly demonstrates exceptional originality and critical thinking abilities. Peter had a clear idea of his career path in Psychology from the beginning of Year 1 and through self-discipline and strict time management planning, was able to effectively balance his work/studies/personal life to achieve his key objectives thus far. Peter was a pleasure to work with and stood out as an undergraduate student mainly for his level of maturity, politeness, strong work ethic, high determination and willingness to engage with both staff and students alike."